Banks had their bailout. Isn't it time for yours? If you can't get a principal balance reduction or a loan modification, bankruptcy might give you the relief you have been searching for. If you are having trouble with house payments, credit card bills, medical bills, repossessions, or foreclosure, let us help you.
Attorneys Maureen Enmark, Scott Schlegel and Todd Williams will work hard to make sure you understand your options and rights under the law. We want to start helping you today. We have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and take a look on our website for testimonials from satisfied and relieved clients.
Your first appointment is free and completely confidential even if you decide bankruptcy is not the right choice for you. We offer Saturday and evening appointments and free parking at our easy-access Mission Valley location.

This blog is updated by the San Diego Bankruptcy Law Firm. The blog is designed to illuminate, update and educate consumers about their bankruptcy rights. Our staff of Bankruptcy Attorneys help consumers file for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 7 and 13 of the Bankruptcy Code. Feel free to contact our Bankruptcy Lawyers for a free consultation at 619-260-1800 or visit us at
San Diego Bankruptcy Law Firm. 877-GOBK619
This blog is updated by San Diego Bankruptcy Law Firm. The blog is designed to educate consumers about their rights under the Bankruptcy Code.
Bankruptcy can STOP FORECLOSURE, ELIMINATE DEBT AND PROTECT YOUR ASSETS! Call us for a free consultation at 877-GOBK619 or 619-260-1800. Visit us at
We are a debt relief agency and help people file for Bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code.
Bankruptcy can STOP FORECLOSURE, ELIMINATE DEBT AND PROTECT YOUR ASSETS! Call us for a free consultation at 877-GOBK619 or 619-260-1800. Visit us at
We are a debt relief agency and help people file for Bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
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